
Rutgers Rutgers University, New Brunswick Fall 2024

Contact me for 1-on-1 tutoring today, and you'll learn popular concepts Rutgers 01-160-308 professors most likely test on exams. Access one-of-a-kind resources and learn hundreds of tips and tricks to help you prepare for your upcoming homework and tests!

Email me: helpme@aromaticprep.com
Text or Call me: (301) 500-0289‬

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Fall 2024 Professors at Rutgers University, New Brunswick

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What to look out for in Rutgers 01-160-308

    • Online Systems

    During the 5 online semesters (including summer), 01-160-308 exams have shifted between E-learning and Canvas systems. Each system’s exam style, equation setup, and answer input format are different.

      Unhelpful Textbook

    Students frequently complain the Sorrell textbook problems do not reflect exam problems. They find Sorrell textbook problems much easier than exam questions, and the textbook uses an awkward wedge dash notation.

      Repeated Exam Questions

    10% of past exam questions from before 2019 were repeated verbatim during the 2020 and 2021 online semesters. ~33% questions repeated equation format but using different numbers.

      Exam Source and Practice

    01-160-308 exam questions are NEVER sourced from the current Sorrell textbook. Tutor 1-on-1 with me to gain concept clarity and tailored practice on past 01-160-308 exams, plus learn the true source of exam questions.

  • Study Tips for 01-160-308 Exams

    Avoid Distractions

    Silence your phone, videos and tell family to stop bugging you to create a focused environment.

    Get Help Early

    Work with a tutor, find a study group, or talk to your professor if you get stuck.

    Practice Old Exams

    Execute on old exams. Even if you get the wrong answer, you'll learn from your mistakes faster.

    Why Tutor With Me for 01-160-308?

    • Exam Tips and Tricks - Learn hundreds of tips and tricks to help you work through 01-160-308 exams quickly and accurately. Don't use shortcuts blindly - tutor with me to understand exactly what you're doing and why!

      Learn to Sound Smart with Your Professor - Learn how to shine among your peers by visiting office hours often with "smart" questions ready in hand - I'll teach you how and what questions to ask and get the most out of 1-on-1 face time during professor office hours.

      Focus on What's "Actually" Tested - I will emphasize topics that are known to have been historically tested in 01-160-308 and similar classes around the country. I'll reinforce really important subjects that you'll need to know to pass your exams and get your desired grade.

      Accelerated Catch Up - If you're behind, I'll do my best to help you catch up 10x faster than studying on your own using my custom resources.

  • Email me: helpme@aromaticprep.com
    Text or Call me: (301) 500-0289‬

    Please include your phone number.