
Rutgers Rutgers University, New Brunswick Fall 2024

Contact me for 1-on-1 tutoring today, and you'll learn popular concepts Rutgers 01-160-165 professors most likely test on exams. Access one-of-a-kind resources and learn hundreds of tips and tricks to help you prepare for your upcoming homework and tests!

Email me: helpme@aromaticprep.com
Text or Call me: (301) 500-0289‬

Please include your phone number.

Fall 2024 Professors at Rutgers University, New Brunswick

Select a Teacher to learn more about their teaching style.

What to look out for in Rutgers 01-160-165

    • Resources

    Tutor with me and gain access to my arsenal of chemistry resources plus exams keys - they'll match your 01-160-165 class or are very similar!

      Teaching Style

    Does your professor in 01-160-165 prefer an iPad or chalkboard? Do they record their lectures? These things matter long-term for knowledge retention. Contact me for tutoring today and benefit from my convenient and easy-to-learn-from set up and recorded lessons!

      Grading on a Curve

    Chemistry professors grade on various methods to create a desired distribution of scores. Methods include no Curve, SD curving, cutoffs, final exam replacement - you name it! Tutor with me and I'll help you strategize the Rutgers 01-160-165 grading system to maximize points in the class!

  • Study Tips for 01-160-165 Exams

    Keep Going

    Redo a problem 5 times - this helps cement your knowledge, and recall it under high pressure testing environment.

    Get Help Early

    Work with a tutor, find a study group, or talk to your professor if you get stuck.

    Ask Questions

    Be bold and ask direct questions when you're stuck - there's value in wrong answers so you can recognize and avoid them.

    Why Tutor With Me for 01-160-165?

    • Exam Tips and Tricks - Learn hundreds of tips and tricks to help you work through 01-160-165 exams quickly and accurately. Don't use shortcuts blindly - tutor with me to understand exactly what you're doing and why!

      Learn to Sound Smart with Your Professor - Learn how to shine among your peers by visiting office hours often with "smart" questions ready in hand - I'll teach you how and what questions to ask and get the most out of 1-on-1 face time during professor office hours.

      Accelerated Catch Up - If you're behind, I'll do my best to help you catch up 10x faster than studying on your own using my custom resources.

      Exam Technology Tricks - Learn to maximize the limited time provided during online exams. I'll teach you how to optimize linear or non-linear exams, and think calmly during the stressful hour.

  • Email me: helpme@aromaticprep.com
    Text or Call me: (301) 500-0289‬

    Please include your phone number.